His literary works were very much against the foreign rule, communalism, imperialism, colonialism, fundamentalism and exploitation. He joined Swadeshi (self rule) and boycotts British He has composed many songs to sing and let the youths to become enthusiastic for ingrained nationalism, patriotism. In the time of rebellion and political unrest, Nazrul's poetry played a crucial role in uniting the oppressed and providing them with an intense sense of nationalism. Bidrohi is one of his famous anti British writing piece, which has immediately placed him in the public eye.
He had several pieces of literature banned by the British government in an attempt to supress the rebellious movements.
Thus is the proof of Nazrul's inflammatory attitudes against oppression. Being a Muslim musician, poet and novelist, he used his poetry to inspire Indians to rebel against British colonialism.
As a perennial author Kazi Nazrul Islam upholds the title of 'Rebel poet' in Bangla literature as well as in world literature.